Yaser Alimardani

Yaser Alimardani

Senior Full-Stack Engineer



With over 14 years of experience, I am a seasoned Software Engineer specializing in crafting innovative solutions to drive business efficiency. My expertise spans multiple programming languages: Backend, Front-End, and databases. I excel in navigating the entire Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and orchestrating end-to-end project management. Known for my hands-on development skills and adeptness in leading cross-functional teams with agile methodologies, I thrive in tackling diverse challenges and ensuring alignment with budgetary constraints.

Download my resume.

  • Software development
  • Software optimization
  • Problem solving
  • Collaborating different scopes
  • Sketching/Presenting/Executing ideas
  • Challenging ideas
  • MEng in Information Technology (Network Systems), 2014

    University of Tehran

  • BSc in Information Technology, 2009

    Sharif University of Technology


Node JS & Typescript


Java & Java Spring Boot


DB (MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, Cassandra, MySQL Server)


Ruby on Rails




Html, CSS, JS


Ubuntu, Nginx, Apache


Gitlab, Jira, CI/CD


Firebase, Google Analytics, A/B Testing




K6, Selenium, Jest, Appium, Junit, PHP Unit, Acunetix, Gatling


Coaching Engineers


Problem solving




Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Redis


Net CDF, Gephi, NodeXL, Social metrics



Senior Full-Stack Engineer
Dec 2022 – Present Berlin/Germany

Doctolib strives for a healthier world with more than 2,500 employees across France, Italy, and Germany.

  • Developing new features for hospitals and practitioners by using Ruby on Rails, Postgres, React and React-Native

  • Maintaining more than 20 legacy features in our team

  • Reducing 10% of CI/CD time by converting E2E tests to controller and React library tests

  • Improving the performance of queries by analyzing them on Datadog

  • Mentoring one intern, one Junior, and one Senior Full Stack Engineer

  • Fixing several legacy bugs (+50)

Senior Staff Engineer
Jun 2021 – Jan 2023 Tehran

Karafs has five products such as Karafs (Calorimeter), Gym, Denj (Meditation), Bento (Diet planning), and Luna (Period tracker). The category of all of these products is Health/Fitness with different vision, strategy and user goals.

Responsibilities include:

  • Developing the codes with NodeJS (Typescript), React-Native, and React using Rest Api and Clean architecture
  • Optimizing queries in MongoDB and MySQL (Improve 70% on response time)
    • Utilizing Nodejs (Typescript), Mongo DB v4.4, React-Native, React, Metabase, Redis, RabbitMQ, and Web Socket, chat messaging infrastructure
    • Maintaining over 500K registered users less than 4 month with hacing 30k daily active users
  • Designing servers and networks (about 30 servers) by managing with three different ESXI’s
  • Managing Automated/unit/e2e tests (Code coverage 7%)
  • Implementing DevOps requirements (Reducing 30% of development deploying)
    • Using such tools such as ESXI, DNS management, Email server, Servers Management, ELK, Nextcloud, Nexus Repository, Sentry, Jira, Gitlab, and Android apk builder
  • Mentoring, Training, and leading ten junior/mid-level developers
Five sense
Senior Backend Engineer
Jan 2021 – Sep 2021 Remote (California, America)

Five is an American startup company that creating a social e-commerce application utilized by J2EE, React-Native and also using Google Cloud Platforms, and Google Pub/Sub architecture for deployment.

Responsibilities include:

  • Developing by Java Spring Boot and PostgreSql
  • Maintaining 100k users all over the world
  • Optimizing Slow queries at SQL and indexing the data
  • Maintaining GCP (Google Cloud Platform) servers and SQL database
Senior Full-Stack Engineer
Feb 2020 – Jun 2021 Tehran

Karafs product is the market leader in Health/Fitness category in Iran

Responsibilities include:

  • Developing using Nodejs (Typescript), Mongo DB v4.4, React, React-Native, ELK, Metabase, Power BI, Redis, RabbitMQ, Web Socket, and Load Balancer
  • Support offline by using Redux and hooks in React-Native
  • Optimizing requests by optimizng mongodb queries, replication and sharding
  • Maintaining over 7M users within 6 years and 500K monthly active users
Grow center at Sharif University of Technology
Senior Full-Stack Engineer
Feb 2014 – Feb 2020 Tehran

Creating a Social Engine Management named Motoshub as number one Social Engine to produce Social Network in the Iran at Sharif University of Technology.

Responsibilities include:

  • Developing and leading a team that using Laravel, NodeJs, MySQL, ELK, and React-Native
  • Creating, executing, and maintaining over 100 companies social network with Motoshub.
Grow center at Sharif University of Technology
Senior Full Stack Engineer
Mar 2010 – Feb 2014 Tehran

Creating an ERP Business Project that includes workflow generator, form generator, process generator, and connect to many authentication services such as LDAP, Gmail

Responsibilities include:

  • Maintaining more than 1000 business form, workflows, and processes
  • Developing with Java, JSP, Oracle, Hibernate, ExtJS, JS, CSS, HTML, and NodeJS
  • Maintaining 2k daily client users
  • Using Gitlab CI/CD and Jenkins for deployment
Iran IT Men (My own company)
Freelancer Developer
May 2011 – Mar 2014 Tehran
Creating and delivering many projects, websites and API’s using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JS, Wordpress, Joomla.

Recent Publications

(2020). An Efficient Framework for a Third Party Auditor in Cloud Computing Environments. In The Computer Journal.

Cite Source Document DOI
